Following a recent change (2023-11-02) from Arch Linux regarding JDK/JRE packages. You may run into dependency conflicts when updating your BlackArch Linux system and will require manual intervention.
Example of a conflict that may occure during a system update:
:: removing jre-openjdk breaks the dependency 'jre-openjdk' required by mobsf
:: removing jre-openjdk breaks the dependency 'jre-openjdk' required by tls-attacker
If you have installed BlackArch Linux using one of the currnet ISOs (dated 2023-04-01 or 2023-05-01) or earlier, you will need to execute the following command to address the JDK/JRE conflicts:
pacman -Rns mobsf tls-attacker jre-openjdk jdk-openjdk
pacman -Syyu
pacman -S blackarch --needed
After GNUPG updated to version 2.4 in Arch Linux with major upstream changes, there are issues with the blackarch-keyring being corrupted. This prevents you from running the
script, installing BlackArch packages. The team is working on fixing the keyring.
There are two options to temporarily resolve the issue.
Downgrading to the previous version of GNUPG will resolve your issue.
pacman -U
rm -rf /etc/pacman.d/gnupg
pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinux blackarch
pacman-key --update --keyserver
When runnnig system updates, use the --ignore
flag to exclude gnupg or ignore gnupg in your pacman.conf
Temporarily ignore the package during system update.
pacman -Syu --ignore gnupg
Permanently ignoring the package.
sed -i '/IgnorePkg/ s/^#//; /IgnorePkg/ s/$/ gnupg/' /etc/pacman.conf
Add missing key
echo "F9A6E68A711354D84A9B91637533BAFE69A25079:4:" >> /usr/share/pacman/keyrings/blackarch-trusted
pacman-key --populate
Update the system to verify
pacman -Syu