BlackArch Wiki



AD Enum is a powerful tool for identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in Active Directory environments. By leveraging LDAP and Kerberos protocols, it can enumerate various types of users and objects, crack hashes, and check for AS-REP roastable users.


  • blackarch
  • blackarch-exploitation
  • blackarch-scanner

Tool functions


  • Enum Domain Admin users
  • Enum Domain Controllers
  • Enum Domain users with Password Not Expire
  • Enum Domain users with old password
  • Enum Domain users with interesting description
  • Enum Domain users with not the default encryption
  • Enum Domain users with Protecting Privileged Domain Accounts
  • Enum Domain users with not default object Attributes


  • AS-REP Roastable
  • Kerberoastable
  • Password cracking with john (krb5tgs and krb5asrep)


Instructions on how to install the tool or package on BlackArch Linux.

pacman -S adenum

Attack examples

Basic usage

To perform a basic enumeration of an Active Directory domain, use the following command structure:


Replace <DOMAIN_NAME>, <USERNAME>, and <PASSWORD> with the actual domain name, username, and password you wish to use for authentication.

Advanced options

Specify Server IP: You can specify the IP address of the server you’re targeting with the -ip option:


Enable Hash Cracking: To enable hash cracking using John the Ripper, use the -j flag. You can also specify the path to the John binary with -jp and provide a custom wordlist with -w:

adenum -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> -j -jp /path/to/john -w /path/to/custom_wordlist

Use LDAP over SSL: To enforce the use of LDAP over SSL, add the -s flag:

adenum -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> -s

Check for ASREP Roastable Users: To check for users who might be vulnerable to AS-REP Roasting, use the --NPUsersCheck option:

adenum -d <DOMAIN_NAME> -u <USERNAME> -p <PASSWORD> --NPUsersCheck

Additional Resources

Developer Demo Video


Microsoft Advanced Threat Analytics

ATA detects two suspicious events but does not trigger an alert:

  • The connection with the protocol LDAP without SSL
  • The Kerberoastable attack

As shown in this screenshot:





It is important to note that the use of this tool for any illegal or unauthorized activities is strictly prohibited. The creators of this tool and BlackArch Linux will not be held liable for any actions taken with its use. This tool is intended for use by security professionals and researchers for lawful and ethical testing purposes only. Remember, always obtain proper authorization and comply with all relevant laws and regulations when using this tool or any other security tool.